1990 - Doctorate of third cycle in Biologicals Sciences, Paris XII University -Val de Marne.
1986 - DEA in Physicochimistry applied to Biochimistry, Paris XII University -Val de Marne.
1985 - Master of de Sciences and Techniques (MST) option Biological and Biochimical engineering, Paris XII University-Val de Marne.
Since 1/9/94 : In charged of research, GREDECO Society (Groupe de Recherche en Dermatologie et Cosmétologie), 121 rue de la Pompe, 75016 Paris
1990-1994 :
In charged of research, APOSM association , (Stomatology Service, Pitié Salpétrière Hospital).
1987-1990 :
1) Biochimistry of Conective Tissu Laboratory, CNRS UA 1174, Faculty of Medicine ; H. Mondor Hospital, Créteil (Dir.: Dr L. Robert).
Cellular Immunogénétic Laboratory, Cordeliers’s Institut, Paris VI (Dir. Pr D. Charron).
"Study on fibroblastes and collagene syntesis in sclerodermy ". Internship of Doctorate (direction: Pr C. Francès, Dermatologist, Pitié Salpétrière Hospital, Paris).
2) Laboratoires Cassenne, Lutsia, Pierre Fabre, Inava, Phygié, Inocosm, UCB Darcy, Roche. Travaux réalisés dans le cadre de contrats de Recherche Externe avec le Pr C. Frances, Dermatologue et le Dr S. Boisnic, MCU-PH, Dermatologue et Anatomo-Pathologiste (Hôpital de la Pitié).
1986 :
Biochimistry of conective tissu Laboratory, CNRS UA 1174, Faculty of Medicine ; H. Mondor Hospital, Créteil (Dir. : Dr L. Robert).
Internship of DEA. "Morphometric study of extracellular matrix applied to normal ans pathological skin"