June 1987 - POST-GRADUATE CERTIFICATE in RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY and MAXILLO-FACIAL SURGERY at the Pierre et Marie Curie University of Paris ( Prof. Jost, Prof. Nicolettis, Prof. Vaillant)
June 1986 - CERTIFICATE in RECONSTRUCTION and MAXILLO-FACIAL PROSTHESIS at the Pierre et Marie Curie University of Paris (Prof. Benoît)
March 1986 - POST-GRADUATE CERTIFICATE in APPLIED STOMATOLOGY and MAXILLO-FACIAL SURGERY at the Pierre et Marie Curie University of Paris (Prof. Vaillant) )
June 1984 - CERTIFICATE in CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH at the Pierre et Marie Curie University of Paris ( Prof. Guérin)
October 1984 – January 1987 - (acting as) HOUSE OFFICER in the Stomatologie, Maxillo-Facial Surgery and Face Reconstruction Surgery service at the Gonesse Hospital, Gonesse (Doctor Rouchon)
1982 - Pitié-Salpêtrière University Hospital, Paris, on November 24th, Graduated from Pitié-Salpêtrière Faculty of Medicine, Paris Thesis title : Autoimmunity in paludism
October 1st, 1981 – September 30th, 1982 - HOUSE OFFICER (by examination) in the Medical & Surgical Clinic at the Gardiens de la Paix Hospital in Paris (general surgery, Prof. Edelmann)
1981 - POST-GRADUATE CERTIFICATE in PATHOLOY and PARASITIC IMMUNOLOGY (Prof. Gentilini) Thesis title : Research for autoantibodies, antinucleus and anti-smooth muscle in 312 cases of confirmed paludism
1981 - CERTIFICATE in PARASITOLOGY and TROPICAL DISEASES – Health around the World (Prof. Gentilini)
Since 1994 : Designated researcher for GREDECO (DERMATOLOGY & COSMETOLOGY Research and Evaluation Group), 121 rue de la Pompe, 75016 Paris
Since 1987 :
PRIVATE PRACTICIAN : Stomatological and Maxillo-Facial Surgery
- 13, cours B. Pascal, Evry, France
- Mousseau Clinic, Evry, France
- Paris-Sud Clinic, Paris, France
- 97 Boulevard Magenta, Paris, France
- Jeanne d’Arc Clinic, Paris (at present)
- CME, rue de la Tour, Paris (at present)
Since 1983 : ATTACHE to the Stomatology and Maxillo-Facial Surgery Service at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital (Prof. Bertrand)
From October 1992 to november 2005 : ATTACHE to the Stomatology and Maxillo-Facial Surgery Service at the Tenon Hospital (Doctor Lalo)
Since november 2005 :
ATTACHE to the Oral Rehabilitation Center at the American Hospital of Paris
VISITING TEACHER at the Stomatology and Maxillo-Facial Surgery Department, Pierre et Marie Curie University, Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital
--> University Certificate of Oral Mucous Membrane Pathology. Member of the examination jury
--> University Certificate of Oral Cancer Treatment.
2002 -
Successfully passed the exam for HOSPITAL DOCTOR, Stomatology course type II
JUNIOR LECTURER for the University Certificate of Oral Reconstruction and Implant Studies, Créteil University, Créteil, France
Since September 1st 1991 - JUNIOR ASSISTANT in Clinical and Fundamental Research for APOSM (a non-profit association promoting oncology and medical stomatology), Prof. F. Guilbert's Stomatology and Maxillo-Facial Surgery Service and Prof. Y. Le Charpentier's Anatomopathology Service, Pitié-Salpétrière Hospital, Paris
November 2001 - MEMBER OF THE JURY during the Consensus Conference on herpes. Paris
Since 1999 -
CERTIFIED REPORTER for the AFSSAPS (the French agency for sanitary security of health products)
- Information and Therapeutic Recommendations Department, Transparency Committee : Chairman for the group of certified researchers on odonto-stomatology within the framework of the reassessment of the SMR (the Medical Help Provided) for areas of medical specialization refundable in town.
From May to November 2000 - member of the group of certified researchers on fluorine and how to use it.
- July to December 2000 -
Reassessment Department : Member of the "Recommendations of a good practice and opposable Medical References" group working on the topic : prescribing antibiotics in odonto-stomatology.
- Pharmaco-Toxico-Clinical Department : local anaesthetics, oro-receptive corticoids etc.
- Advertising and Good Use of Health Products Department
- Control Committee on Advertising .